Temperance is a Virtue

How to determine if you are smoking too much herb

How you ever found this article is beyond me. There is a sea of information out there on marijuana detox. The advice ranges from how to beat an addiction to weed, to how to beat a drug test for weed. I'm going to talk about both ends. My advice will include a home remedy that will allow you to pass a drug test for only $5.00. But more importantly, I'm going to help you to determine if you may need to detox in a more permanent way.

Let's talk temperance. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines it like this:

Temperance is the moral virtue that moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods. It ensures the will's mastery over instincts and keeps desires within the limits of what is honorable.

Marijuana is a created good. It has a purpose, and it has a place. It is an herb that has a place on a broad list of all the things that God made sprout from the ground on the third day. On a very narrow list, this plant could be placed right near the willow tree. Why? Both have medicinal properties. Hippocrates, two and a half millennia ago, derived a powder from the bark and leaves of the willow tree that relieved pain and cured headaches. Later the compound that was responsible for this, salicin, was discovered, isolated, and today we have aspirin.

Let's not stretch that comparison
too far though. No one is about
to make some popcorn, put on Pink Floyd, and pass around a bottle of aspirin. Sure, marijuana can relieve pain and increase appetite for those battling cancer. It's use is effective in decreasing nausea from chemo therapy. But, in no way does it have the therapeutic benefits of aspirin and therefore it is classified as a Schedule 1 drug- a substance that has a high potential for abuse and no medical application or proven therapeutic value. But what is considered abuse, and what is considered balanced, pleasurable use within temperate limits?

Alcohol had a somewhat medicinal purpose. In Noah's day it kept grape juice, an extremely healthy human nutrient, preserved. Remember, back then they didn't have electricity, there was no way to run their refrigerators. If it wasn't for this byproduct of airborne yeast, and the sugars in the juice, they would have had juice only in short supply. Also, the alcohol acts as a blood thinner with the same positive effects for preventing
heart disease, as aspirin. So now that we have a plethora of non alcoholic preservatives, and we have aspirin to thin blood, then why isn't alcohol a schedule 1 drug? It also has a high potential for abuse. Even Noah the only good guy on earth in his day, got sloshed after the flood.

Face it, no one drinks alcohol for the taste. No one is coming home on Friday, from a long week at work, kicking off their shoes and unwinding with a glass of juice. It's the "unwinding" effects caused by the slight intoxication the alcohol in a glass of wine offers that is the pleasure that attracts us to that beverage choice. If you want to unwind with the intoxicating effects of weed at the end of the week, illegality aside, what is the difference? Alcohol and pot each offer a somewhat different, but still pleasurable "buzz". And as we are no better than Noah, they both tempt us into exceeding honorable limits in amount and frequency. So let's try to define those limits.

Marijuana, years ago, if you were to compare it to alcohol used to be like an 80 proof rum. Now, most of what you find is like Bacardi 151. Today's lower grade stuff is comparable to the high test stuff of yesteryear. To keep the rum comparison going, consider the average potency pot equivalent to 100 proof rum. Now, a shot glass full...Okay, plus a little splash, in some Coke makes a drink with about the same alcohol content as a bottle of beer, or a glass of wine. A chunk of bud about the size of a pencil eraser, the whole eraser, not just the part you see, would be like a shot, a beer, or a glass of wine. If you were to sit and smoke a whole bud, the size of your thumb, in one sitting that would be beyond the limits. It would be like downing a twelve pack...Abuse.

So go by this "rule of thumb" and keep your use in check. If a twelve-pack lasts a week, you're probably not ready for AA. If you consume a "thumb" of weed every day, you need to seek help...you're an addict, a fiend. There is so much more in life to pursue for pleasure, and even joy. There are other very important virtues too, but temperance is a good one to start with. As far as the promised home remedy to pass a drug test for THC is concerned ~ Click Here:

Detox Secret Home Remedy to Pass a Drug Screening Any Time ~ $5.00