The solution to pollution is dilution. You need to dilute your urine, that is polluted with THC, so that the amount in the urine will be under the threshold, even if the amount in your fat cells is over the limit. If all you needed to do is pass the dipstick test, then drinking a lot of fluids, and peeing as many times as possible before finally going in the sample bottle would fool that test. But there are two important tests that you need to pass before the dipstick test is administered.

Temperature- This is the first test that needs to be passed before they will even waste a dipstick on the sample. If the temperature reads way below 98.6 degrees, they will assume that you are using someone else's urine...and fail you right there. I have to tell this funny and true story:

I know a guy who got an American Bull Dog puppy for Christmas and right away started using the dog's pee to pass his drug screening. He kept the substitute pee in a latex glove, close to his body. This kept the sample warm enough, and he passed two consecutive tests. A few months later, the third test came up. He repeated this tried and true method, confident he would pass again. To his surprise, this time he failed. Actually, the puppy did! Staying loyally by his master's side had subjected the little guy to so much second hand smoke, that the puppy's pee popped positive!

Color- If your urine is diluted enough to pass the dipstick test, then it will be too clear to pass the color test. Again, you will fail before they even drop in the dipstick. Or, if the creatine level is also very low it can fail even if they let it slide on the lack of color.

The recipe that I'm handing over, for a small deposit of $5.00 into my PayPal account, will remedy the color problem and the creatine issue as well. What is so cool about this detox drink, isn't just that it won't cost you $50.00 per bottle. It has many other benefits. Mainly, it prevents urinary tract infections. It is a health drink and an energy drink, chock full of vitamins. Drink it every day anyway. If you are subject to random drug screening, you'll be ready to pass anytime.

Some other tips:

  • Try not to give early morning urine for the test sample.
  • Drink a full 32 oz. bottle of this remedy 1-2 hrs. before the test.
  • Coffee, and water in addition will help. Urine that is "too yellow" may send up a flag.
  • Indicate that you take vitamins and supplements if questioned.
  • Abstaining from herb for 10 days or more before an expected test is a good way to practice temperance, and pass w/o the remedy.
  • Remember, the best way to pass drug screening is by NOT using drugs.

Thanks for the five bucks! I'll send the recipe right out to you. Let me hear from you.